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MsgConnecting Desktops and mobile Devices

First of all, what do we call a framework? We assume that this is a base code that provides generic functionality and can be selectively overridden or extended by user code to provide definite functionality. Framework is a extra case of software library, and its key features are reusability and a well-defined Api.

Second, what we should take into account talking about a mobile device? Most of them are smart phones, Pdas (Personal Digital Assistant), tablet computers and netbooks.

Netbook Linux

Talking about Pda, we have to mention a group of Eda, enterprise Digital Assistants, which are very much like Pda, but in some sense are more specific, designed and programmed for inevitable enterprise tasks, often gift integrated data capture devices like barcode and smart card readers.

The most Pdas are working on specialized operating systems, some of them of Windows house (e.g. WindowsCe, Windows Mobile, Windows PocketPc, Windows Xp Tablet Edition), others on Linux, Palm etc. For smart phones very beloved are Android and BlackBerry operating systems.

Taking all this in mind, we will call a mobile device some relatively small computer that works on one of platforms mentioned above. Though sometimes you may hear or read speculations about notebook vs. Desktop computer, in this report we don't assume a approved notebook to be a movable device; instead we will refer it like desktop. 

So What?

Lets imagine that you have to manufacture a software of enterprise level, for managing something like plant, or enterprise office, or: or hotel! Why hotel? Why not. Every person knows something about hotel, and nobody knows everything. Its technology is complicated enough to utilize most of movable devices mentioned in former section. For example, you will need to create a database, and most of movable devices (Edas of hotel personal) will tell to it. Hotel needs a strong security principles to recognize its staff and to check their access ownership for this or that. This principles is logically to be implemented on data capture devices integrated in Edas, like fingerprints scanners. 

It is very likely that our hotel is not appears to be a brilliant one in sense of tourist business, but please don't bother about it. We need this hotel not to enjoy a holiday but to demonstrate the abilities of MsgConnect, which are much better.

What Do You Have to Care About?

First, you have to manufacture a database, and of course, it will not reside on mobile device, reconsider placing it somewhere in a trustworthy place. Maybe  use cloud storage? This database will hold everything about your hotel, from actual visitors and reservations to vacant rooms to drinks and foods available and required. 

We will not bother about enterprise logic of the system, but anyway you have to think about a lot of desktops or notebooks for high-level managers in offices. From time to time they will make requests to the database, something like: "How many vacant rooms do we have for now? Is it enough scotch on stock? What is the visitor Nn check out date?"

And finally, don't forget about movable devices! Each hostess should have an Eda, and each barman as well, with barcode or smart card readers available. Some of security guys probably will have Eda with automatic identification principles embedded.

Not to mention a atmosphere control, which should be of course automatic and driven by movable devices with embedded systems, but occasionally some responsible someone must have a possibility to interfere in its functionality, optionally from desktop or from Eda. 

Multiple Platforms

Pdas and Edas are available on a variety of different platforms like clones of Windows (e.g. WindowsCe, Windows Mobile, Windows PocketPc, Windows Xp Tablet Edition), Linux, Palm and others. A great part of smart phones are working on the Android and BlackBerry operating systems.

It is very likely that you will have to deal with any different platforms. You hardly can manage all these things on singular or on few related platforms; obviously this will make the task of communicating in the middle of computers not trivial. 

Pda Operating principles vendors ordinarily provide a way for synchronizing data in the middle of desktop operating systems and their product, however there are numerous serious limitations. Fortunately MsgConnect gives you the way to overcome these limitations.

MsgConnect is based on the belief of exchanging messages - blocks of data that have a fixed part with predefined fields and optionally have a data part. Using messages you can send commands to other processes, receive replies, exchange the data over multiple processes and do fullness of other beneficial things.

Having taken the belief from Windows Messaging subsystem, MsgConnect however is not dinky to Windows only. MsgConnect was successfully ported to different platforms.

There are available implementations for Windows, Android, BlackBerry, Linux, FreeBsd, Qnx, Windows Ce/ PocketPc, JavaT (Se/Ee, Me) and.Net platforms. More platforms are to come.

How Can You Manage?

It's not easy. It's very difficult to associate dozens of computers working on different platforms and make them tell to each other unless you are using MsgConnect.

MsgConnect (read Message-Connect) simplifies your application development significantly by taking care of all the low-level tasks for you. It was designed to be small, fast and sufficient and at the same time to provide complete service. With MsgConnect you won't have to write and painfully test multithreaded server code, you won't need to split the data stream into messages and dispatch these messages. All your efforts will be directed at enterprise logic whilst MsgConnect takes care about data and messages transfer.

MsgConnect was born as emulation of Windows Messaging subsystem for sending messages over the network. The idea was thriving and Eldos' engineers extended it. Now MsgConnect is widely used by developers to implement data exchange in the middle of applications running on the same computer or on discrete movable devices like Android, BlackBerry (through Java Mobile), iPhone (С++ version for MacOs X and iPhone/iPad).

While utilizing the same belief of message queue that was used in Windows, MsgConnect provides much more reliability and functionality like identification, on-the-fly compression, encryption and integrity checking of the message being sent and received. With MsgConnect you don't care about transferring data, instead you just send messages (which can consist of all requisite data).

With MsgConnect you use methods similar to Windows' messaging subsystem - SendMessage to send a message with a confirmation of a second party, PostMessage to transmit data without confirmation, SendMessageCallBack to send a message and be notified straight through user-defined callback routine.

Client-server technology

Naturally, some of the tasks for your hotel management can be completed using traditional client-server technology, for example most of requests to database regarding stock value of something, booking of rooms etc. 

Client-server architecture gained requisite place in current networking due to ease of logical society and maintenance. The belief of conversation in the middle of a client and a server is not hard to design, create and document.

However from the technical point of view creation of sufficient server software can be a long and painful process. The things can come to be much worse if the server needs to send the unrequested data to the client, i.e. Act as a client itself. On this stage one has to redesign the complete protocol stack to add such a possibility.

MsgConnect dramatically simplifies the process of data exchange by gift a flexible and efficient messaging paradigm by providing an independent bi-directional conversation via singular association (you just split one association into two). Moreover, MsgConnect provides a simple way to create event-driven communications between clients and servers, and such a project is ordinarily more easy to manufacture and is much more scalable.

Peer-to-peer data transfer

Each node in distributed system based on MsgConnect can act as both client and server simultaneously. MsgConnect can use singular association to exchange messages independently in both directions. This kind of functionality might be very suited when your application has to alarm some inevitable Pda or return back some signals, for example low stock of food or drinks. 

Standard Protocols

With MsgConnect you use all the power of accepted protocols along with Tcp and Udp, if your target platform supports them. Of course you may use for that purpose your Os' native Api, for example WinApi in case of Windows. But choosing this way you will have to write different code for each platform, while choosing MsgConnect and using its Api, you accumulate de facto reusable code.

With MsgConnect you will be able to utilize the power of heterogeneous systems and networks ranging from Unix servers to Windows-based Pdas, Edas and smart phones.

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